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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 405: The Family Name of the Governor

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The matter involving Zhuo Yifan ended. Suddenly, every political force in the Federation began to view Wang Baole, this rising star from Mars, with greater importance. Finally, they had all decided not to offend him without good reason.

Chen Mu had his own plans, but he too had received a stern warning from his family clan. He was to keep a low profile in the new city and stop doing things that might result in conflict or tension.

Chen Mu was resistant towards the instructions. However, his connections and power all stemmed from his family clan. He could only swallow his pride. But he couldn’t help but think about the segments of the video that hadn’t been restored. The more he thought about it, the more resentful he felt. He was powerless to do anything, though.

Time passed slowly. Everything seemed peaceful. Be it the construction of the new city or the autonomous zones, it was all moving along well as improvements were made and the city was steadily perfected. The Federation and the Martian administration scheduled a mass migration of new residents to the new city.

Wang Baole had intended to go into seclusion and train until his cultivation broke through from its current late-stage Foundation Establishment realm to the perfected Foundation Establishment realm. However, there were many administrative matters he had to deal with. Even though he could delegate the majority of those tasks to his mayors, he still had to be the one making decisions for the mass migration.

After two weeks of seclusion, Wang Baole finally had to leave his residence one fine morning and head for his office. He had to go through the proposals for the mass migration with his mayors. In addition, Jin Duoming had sent him a voice transmission yesterday. He had wanted to speak to Wang Baole about something after the meeting.

The sky was bright and clear when he walked out of his residence. It looked like a sunny day, but there was a chilly breeze with a cold that pierced straight into one’s bones. Winter was approaching on Mars.

Wang Baole felt the cold winds. He watched the cultivators who were stationed in the area to guard his residence and patrol the area approach from afar. He watched as they noticed his presence and immediately stopped in their tracks, saluting him respectfully. He was overcome with emotion.

Without knowing it, he had spent more than a year on Mars. Too many things had happened during this period. He sighed as he thought back on what had happened.

I’ve turned old. Wang Baole patted his tummy. He thought about how he had already reached his twenties. He couldn’t help but lament at how swiftly time was passing. Life was like a dream…

Immersed in his thoughts, Wang Baole, who had just stepped out of his residence and was about to retrieve his cruiser, felt someone’s eyes on him. He turned his head. An odd expression settled on his face.

Behind him, or more specifically, the residence next door to his, the doors to the pavilion had just swung open. Li Wan’er, dressed in uniform, stepped out. Her eyes fell on Wang Baole as well. She frowned. Then, expressionless, she walked over.

The area Wang Baole was residing in was a special residential area in the new city set aside for those with the rank of a mayor or higher. However, Kong Dao and the rest typically resided in their own city zones, leaving this area unoccupied most of the time. Only Li Wan’er continued to reside here after she arrived in the new city.

Wang Baole only returned occasionally when he needed to go into seclusion and refine Dharmic Artifacts, and this was the first time the two of them had seen each other here. Wang Baole had been stunned at first as well, before he realized that Li Wan’er was his neighbor.

Wang Baole didn’t speak as he watched Li Wan’er walk over. Li Wan’er was silent as well. She seemed to be ignoring Wang Baole’s presence as she brushed past him, retrieved her cruiser, and prepared to leave.

Wang Baole was unconcerned with Li Wan’er’s attitude. Because of Chen Mu, she had threatened him twice. Their relationship might not be considered hostile, but it was definitely distant and cold.

Their tense relationship hadn’t stopped Wang Baole from watching Li Wan’er with regret in his eyes. His eyes had followed her as she walked past him and landed on the cruiser she retrieved.

Regret filled Wang Baole’s heart as he stared at the familiar cruiser. He had taken a ride in the cruiser before. He remembered the elegantly decorated interior and comfortable chairs—they had been extremely soft and cushy.

What a pity. Don’t think I’ll get a chance to do it again. Wang Baole shook his head and was about to withdraw his gaze. He didn’t know why, but he instinctively stared at Li Wan’er’s back.

It might have been because of the uniform, but it made Li Wan’er’s already alluring figure seem even more attractive. The uniform seemed to hold within it everything that was beautiful and perfect. Anyone of the opposite sex, upon the sight of her, wouldn’t be able to control the fire burning in their hearts.

This was a beauty that belonged entirely to Li Wan’er. There were similarities with the beauty Li Yi possessed, but Li Wan’er surpassed her vastly in this aspect. The coldness exuding from Li Wan’er’s person made her appear like an icy rose with thorns. It was both a danger and a fatal temptation.

She was that to Wang Baole as well. He had only glanced over instinctively, but his eyes instinctively looked at Li Wan’er’s bottom first.

He couldn’t help but sigh then. He remembered… he had touched it, and patted it. It had been soft and bouncy. Everything had been so great. Something so wonderful was going to be possessed by the hateful Chen Mu. Wang Baole was annoyed and depressed. It was likely he would never get a chance to smack it again.

Whatever, whatever. There are plenty more fish in the sea. I, Wang Baole, am an upstanding and honorable man, the most good looking man in the entire Federation. It’s her loss. I can see it now, how she’s going to regret this for the rest of her life, Wang Baole thought. He could instantly feel how right he was as he withdrew his gaze. It was then that Li Wan’er seemed to sense something. She turned and glared at Wang Baole, then stepped into her cruiser and flew off.

Wang Baole raised his eyebrow. He retrieved his cruiser as well and left his residence, heading for the office. There, he saw Li Wan’er once again, as well as Kong Dao and the others. Wen Huai and Fang Jing had arrived as well. Only Chen Mu was absent. He had sent one of his men to participate in the discussion and examination.

Wang Baole could hardly care to dig further into such petty matters. He was a man who didn’t act recklessly. However, when he did act, he would make sure his enemy suffered or got out of his sight.

No problems surfaced during the examination of the proposal for the mass migration. Everyone soon reached a consensus, and Wang Baole submitted the finalized proposal to the Governor.

After the meeting adjourned, Li Wan’er left immediately without an expression on her face. Wen Huai extended a nod towards Wang Baole as a friendly gesture before leaving the office with Fang Jing, who had done the same, albeit reluctantly.

Finally, with the departure of Kong Dao and Lin Tianhao, only Wang Baole and Jin Duoming remained in the office. Jin Duoming loosened his collar and sat in front of Wang Baole. There was a deep, unfathomable light in his eyes. He gave Wang Baole a considering look, then laughed suddenly.

“Baole, I heard you and Li Wan’er had something going on in the past…”

“Why? You’re interested in Li Wan’er?” Wang Baole threw Jin Duoming a look. He pulled out a bag of snacks, then started eating while speaking in a rather unfriendly tone.

“How’s that possible!” Jin Duoming shivered inwardly and shook his head hastily.

“Even you know that’s impossible. Let’s get back to business. When are you going to bring over a ninth-grade Dharmic Armament in exchange for my amazing donkey?” Wang Baole said, rather impatiently. Jin Duoming had to bring the topic up. Besides, the both of them had gone through so much together. Their relationship had since grown more casual, and it felt normal to switch topic randomly.

Jin Duoming felt slightly frustrated when Wang Baole brought up his donkey again. He had been conducting businesses his entire life, but this was the worst deal he had tried to make. He stopped talking about Li Wan’er and instead, whispered.

“Baole, have you heard of… the Anti-Spirit Bomb?”

As soon as Jin Duoming said that, Wang Baole’s eyes flashed. He nodded.

“I knew it. I knew you must have heard about the Anti-Spirit Bomb. Baole, do you know, this Anti-Spirit Bomb was jointly developed by the Trilunaris Corporation and the Federation. We have many research facilities studying and testing it…

“I want to invite the Spirit Research Department of the Federation to set up an Anti-Spirit Bomb research facility in my city zone in our new Martian city!”

“With this facility in place, it’d be a great boost to the reputation of our new city and to my status in the Trilunaris Corporation!” Jin Duoming’s eyes were bright as he whispered. It was clear that he had been preparing for this for a long time. He only lacked Wang Baole’s permission now.

“An Anti-Spirit Bomb research facility?” Wang Baole’s expression was serious. He placed his snacks down, pondered for a moment, then asked.

“Is it safe?”

“There’s no issue with safety. I can promise you that. In fact, there’s an Anti-Spirit Bomb facility in the main Martian city. If it’s unsafe, could they even have built it there in the first place?”

“Besides, I’ve dug up some information. The top expert on the Federation’s Anti-Spirit Bomb, Zhao Pinfang, Master Zhao… he’ll be visiting Mars in a few days to inspect the Anti-Spirit Bomb project at the Martian facility and resolve any issues. This is an important figure we’re talking about. He’s the Martian Colony Governor’s partner… I’ve already submitted a request to tour the facility and personally meet Master Zhao. If he gives us his support for this proposal of ours, we’ll be guaranteed a research facility in our new city!”

“Zhao Pinfang? The Governor’s partner, his family name is Zhao?” Wang Baole asked curiously.

“Yup. This Master Zhao resides on Earth most of the time. Now that you’ve mentioned it, even the Federation President has to treat the couple with some degree of respect. After all, one of them is in charge of Mars, and the other is the top expert on the Anti-Spirit Bomb!” Jin Duoming sighed. He glanced at Wang Baole, then said suddenly.

“They have a daughter…”

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode