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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 344: A Fight at One

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Baole was lost and trying to figure out what was going on. The white donkey stood behind the gate, its head peering out. It had a strange look in its eyes. It seemed hesitant, then fearful. It quickly scanned its surroundings, seeming torn over whether it should venture out through the gate.

This surprised Wang Baole. The lion started howling quietly again and seemed to be beckoning the white donkey. The lion swayed slightly as it howled, its fur glowing gold under the sunlight. It looked beautiful. One could hardly take his eyes off it.

The odd light in the white donkey’s eyes brightened. It seemed to have made up its mind. It trotted out and very slowly… left the array formation protecting the military base…

The white donkey stepped out of the array formation and came to the lion’s side. It started nuzzling the lion. Wang Baole stared with his eyes wide open and a dropped jaw as the hidden black donkey dashed out—like a blur of black lightning, so quick that it left an afterimage in its wake—and charged at the white donkey.

It was quick and had appeared unexpectedly. The white donkey was equally quick. It widened its eyes at that critical moment and retreated hastily, but it was too late by then… the lion opened its mouth wide and, with a sorrowful look, bit the white donkey.

The white donkey looked shocked. It paused and was about to cry for help when the black donkey arrived and, in an instant, sent its hooves kicking. There was a loud thud as he kicked the white donkey’s head fiercely. The force of the kick was boosted by its burst of speed. The white donkey passed out almost immediately. It felt stars spinning around its head and barely had time to scream before it passed out.

It fell to the ground with a thud. Wang Baole watched, stunned, as the overly excited black donkey approached and sank its teeth into the white donkey’s ear. It started to run as it dragged the white donkey away.

It didn’t forget to turn around and level a glare at the lion. The expression on the lion’s face turned from anguish into awe instantly. It seemed to realize it had been given permission to leave. It trembled and then raced off with its tail between its legs.

The black donkey ignored the lion. Its eyes shone with excitement. With the unconscious white donkey in its mouth, it fled away hastily. It was gone in an instant. It seemed to be extremely excited and kept snorting happily as it ran.

A shocked Wang Baole witnessed the entire scene. This was the first time he had been so shocked by a donkey. The black donkey had seemed like such a stupid creature. Who would have thought it would know how to set a honey trap…

The lion had looked so meek and oppressed, like it had been the frequent target of the black donkey’s bullying. It seemed like it couldn’t disobey the donkey’s commands and had been coerced into seducing the white donkey.

From the white donkey’s earlier reaction, Wang Baole could vaguely sense that the black donkey had spent some time and done its research. He had a crazy thought…

Could it be that the white donkey and the lion had been a couple previously? Wang Baole thought. His eyes widened. Setting aside the question of how the two might get together, if this was indeed true and his guess was correct, the black donkey would have had done something really horrible.

This is like kidnapping someone’s boyfriend, then getting the boyfriend to trick her out into the open… and then hitting her on the head and dragging her off… Wang Baole smacked his forehead. He immediately extended his senses and tried to find out where the black donkey was headed. He soon sighed.

He had a taste of the donkey’s ability to hide its presence. At present, its presence had completely vanished without a trace. It would take a lot of effort to try to locate it again.

Whatever… Wang Baole smiled wryly as he shook his head. He thought he might be overthinking things. He left hurriedly and returned to the academy, but he couldn’t help thinking about this entire incident.

The donkey was absent the entire day. Wang Baole was finally able to stop thinking about it late that night. He had sunk into silent meditation when suddenly, his eyes opened, and he stared at the door.

The donkey was prancing merrily in the distance. It raced back and entered the residence with a satisfied look in its eyes. The excitement radiating off it was that of finally having gotten what it had wanted. This was different from what it had displayed in the past few weeks. It was as if the prior excitement had arisen out of anticipation… today, however, it had reached a milestone in the donkey’s life.

It couldn’t contain its smug look when it saw Wang Baole. It started braying. Wang Baole’s head started throbbing. He stood up abruptly with a stern look on his face. Then, he grabbed the excited donkey’s ear swiftly before it could even react.

“What have you been up to all day? Come on, spill it out!” Wang Baole thundered. His stern expression seemed to threaten violence.

The donkey froze. There was shock in its innocent eyes as it stared in confusion at Wang Baole. It didn’t seem to understand why Wang Baole was scolding it again today.

“Don’t try to look innocent in front of me. You think I don’t know what you’re up to? Continue the bluff, and I’ll make sure you can’t open your mouth for a whole month!” Wang Baole glared. The donkey shuddered when it heard that. It withdrew the look of confusion and innocence hastily and tried to appease Wang Baole by nuzzling him. This was while Wang Baole was still gripping its ear tightly.

“You…” Wang Baole was about to say something when he noticed something on the donkey. Its close proximity resulted in his notice of the white fur on its body. There was quite a lot of white fur…

At a closer look, he could see white fur everywhere on the black donkey. Wang Baole sighed. He realized there was no need for further questions. It was clear that whatever had happened between the two donkeys had been extremely physical.

Wang Baole released the donkey, and exasperation rose inside him. He didn’t understand how someone as amazing as he was could be stuck rearing such a perverted and filthy-minded donkey!

“Just be more careful and make sure you don’t get found out. You sick little donkey. How did I manage to get stuck taking care of you? My greatest regret is hatching you!”

“Look at other families’ donkeys. They are all born. You came from an egg… you shouldn’t be called Scram, you should be called Asshat!” Wang Baole sighed in exasperation and shrugged. The donkey had rendered him completely speechless.

The donkey watched as Wang Baole released him. It seemed to vaguely understand what Wang Baole was saying, but it didn’t seem to care. It gave Wang Baole a pleased look and returned to a corner of the room. It sprawled onto the floor and narrowed its eyes, reliving the day in its mind. Once in a while, it would grin and bob its head. It seemed like it wanted to bray loudly but didn’t dare to. It only called out a few times in a soft voice.

Wang Baole sighed again as he stared at the donkey. He decided to ignore it completely and went back to his meditation. Days passed. The donkey continued to rise early and return late, but Wang Baole couldn’t be bothered with it anymore. Besides cultivation, he also started asking around about the New Mars Region.

Five days later, one afternoon, Wang Baole had just ended his meditation. He was in the office speaking to Jin Duozhi. He had decided to get Jin Duozhi to find out more about the New Mars Region, as the youth saw him as his idol, and anything he said would be treated as gospel.

“Duozhi, you are the student I have placed the greatest hopes on, the one I care most about. I expect great things from you. I have a mission for you now…” Wang Baole coughed. Jin Duozhi was staring at him and overwhelmed with excitement. His eyes shone brightly. Wang Baole was pleased, and he prepared to go on with what he had to say.

It was then that the familiar piercing shrieks of a donkey rang out from the school field. They were louder than usual.

The donkey’s cries resounded in the air. In the distance, a furious roar boomed like thunder.

“Wang Baole, you’ve gone too far!”

The cries of the donkey and furious roars resounded throughout the entire campus. Wang Baole froze, then walked out hastily. His eyes widened as he looked out.

The black donkey was racing frantically across the field towards his office. Behind him was a furious Kong Dao. He was livid. Held under his arm was a limp white donkey. It looked weak and feeble, like it was on its last breath.

Kong Dao came charging like a mad man.

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode