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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 308: Stay Away!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

More and more people streamed into the stadium. They had seen the cruiser from the Dao Mountain Mist Academy arriving. Many of them, especially those who had come on foot, had also seen Wang Baole’s dramatic and stunning declaration on the spirit screens.

This sparked the inevitable discussion on how the friendly match had come about. The proposal for a friendly match between Li Wuchen and Wang Baole was no secret. As news about the friendly match spread, most people became aware of the matter.

This had something to do with the famed reputation of the two academies, but it also had something to do with Wang Baole and Li Wuchen themselves. The Martians saw them both as impressive personalities who weren’t to be underestimated.

Li Wuchen was the disciple of the Ethereal Dao College’s Grand Supreme Elder. He would draw attention anywhere he went. This was the same for Wang Baole. He might not have the same impressive background as Li Wuchen, but he was still a striking personality with an impressive list of achievements in battle. He had especially made a name for himself for his performance in the Mystic Luna Realm.

Every political force had their eyes on Wang Baole after the Mystic Luna Realm incident. They couldn’t ignore his existence, as too many Foundation Establishment realm cultivators had died by his hand.

His talents in refining Dharmic Armaments were also what had caught the attention of many. The Federation had deliberately tried to keep his creation of the Mystic Trace Beads under wraps; however, the various political forces had been able to dig up some information on it. They understood how great an impact the Mystic Trace Beads would make on the moon.

The deployment of these two people to Mars had received great attention from many. They had been appointed the same rank, coincidentally, and their mutual competition had resulted in the friendly school match. The growing debate and advertisement, as well as the horde of spectators watching the match, culminated in the news of the friendly match being spread like wildfire across the entire planet before its official commencement.

The Federation media had caught wind of it as well and rushed down with an intention for a live broadcast, but the local Martian broadcasting agency exercised their local privileges. They contacted Lin Tianhao, paid an endorsement fee, and acquired the best deal for a live broadcast.

This gave Wang Baole an idea. He passed down his instructions to Lin Tianhao, and while Lin Tianhao was initially reluctant, he grit his teeth and began to seek endorsements and sponsorships. banners and posters were hung everywhere in the stadium, the vibrant colors adding to the overall lively atmosphere.

More than half of the famous and important personalities in the Martian City made an appearance, all of them from political forces. The military was also activated, and they assisted with stadium security. The scale of the friendly match had grown too big, both in terms of turnout as well as the level of participation from the Martian political sphere.

That wasn’t the end of it. Just before the match commenced, a crimson red cruiser, accompanied by seven to eight black cruisers, appeared in the distant skyline and rushed towards the stadium. The crowd cheered.

The red cruiser was clearly made from a special material. Even from afar, it exuded an intense heat. As it drew near, the heat grew scorching and more intense, like a fire that would burn everything in its path. It was a terrifying sight to behold.

“The Governor!”

“The Governor has made a personal appearance!”

Everyone in the stadium rose to their feet when they saw the red cruiser, saluting the incoming cruiser. It hovered in mid-air above the stadium, and two figures dashed out, one after another. Everyone started shouting out their greetings. It was as if a thunderous roar had risen to the skies to greet them.

“Greetings to the Governor! Greetings to the Deputy Governor!”

The new arrivals were a man and a woman. The woman was middle-aged, but she looked young for her age. She had beautiful features and a sharp gaze that made her seem stern. She seemed to possess an unfathomable cultivation, and her crimson robes exuded an intense heat.

She was the Martian Colony Governor!

Following close behind her was a middle-aged man dressed in black robes. He was the Martian Colony Deputy Governor, the giant tree disguised as a man!

A faint smile appeared on their stern faces when they landed in the stadium. The giant tree deliberately fell one step behind, bowing slightly and gesturing for the Governor to walk ahead. The crimson-robed Governor simply smiled. She nodded and took her seat on the main platform.

The giant tree followed behind and sat next to her, causing the Martian officials around them to all perk up. Those whose children were contesting in the match immediately sent a transmission to their children, instructing them to present their best side in the match.

After all, it was a rare opportunity to showcase one’s talents before the Governor.

The atmosphere in the stadium reached its peak with the arrival of the Governor and the Deputy Governor. The friendly match officially kicked off. Lin Tianhao displayed his talents at event management and stirring public interest. After consulting the Fire Spirit Academy, he had engaged two commentators for the friendly match…

The two commentators were well known on Mars. The male and female commentators stood in the center of the public square and started conversing merrily under the eyes of the hundred thousand spectators. Their laughter rose in the air.

“All right, let’s stop the unnecessary chatting. If you will look to my right, the contesting students from the Fire Spirit Academy will be making their appearance now!”

As soon as the male commentator said that, the eyes of everyone in the stadium turned towards the corridor on the right. They soon saw Li Wuchen, dressed in Dao robes, exuding an unearthly aura and a calm composure, walk out from the corridor. Behind him were a hundred students. They all wore the same uniform, and every one of them looked impressive.

“The team leader from the Fire Spirit Academy is the academy’s Vice Dean, Li Wuchen. All of you should be familiar with his name. His master is the former president of the Federation!

“Fellow Daoist Li reached the Foundation Establishment realm at a very young age, and he exudes an extraordinary aura. His students have inherited this quality of his as well. Just look at them, they’re all tall and beautiful. Outsiders have said how the people of Mars are gifted with good looks. I didn’t notice that before. Come to think of it now, that’s actually true.”

As the commentators continued chatting happily, the spectators started smiling. Both the Martian broadcasting agency, as well as the Federation media, had their cameras zoomed in on Li Wuchen and his students.

The parents of the Fire Spirit Academy students started laughing. They were very pleased and approved of the students. The parents of the Dao Mountain Mist Academy students, on the other hand, all felt a slight pulsing pain in their heads. They didn’t say a word.

The Governor eyed the group of students before her and nodded, smiling. She turned and exchanged a few quiet words with the giant tree next to her.

This moment wasn’t only witnessed by the entire Martian Colony, but by the numerous people tuning in within the Federation. That included people in the Ethereal Dao College. Liu Daobin had made the necessary arrangements, and a great many people were tuning in to the match via the Spirit Intranet.

“All right. Now let’s look to my left. The Dao Mountain Mist Academy makes their appearance!” The female commentator was extremely pretty. She had a smile on her face and radiated beauty and charm. As soon as she said those words, a series of thunderous roars rumbled from the left corridor.



The shouts were deafening and overflowed with intense battle lust, booming like thunder. It would have been fine if it had only been the students, but amongst the numerous student voices was also Wang Baole’s. The resultant roar was a deafening thunder that shook the heavens and the earth and drowned out the female commentator’s voice. She froze, then spoke hastily in a louder voice.

“The team leader of the Dao Mountain Mist Academy is…” She shouted. Before she could finish speaking, though, the ground suddenly trembled. The next moment, under her shocked stare and the stunned looks from many of the spectators, a group of chubby fatties surged out from the left corridor.

Leading the team was Jin Duozhi and Zhou Mei. They weren’t only fat but muscular. An immense and fearsome aura exploded from their bodies as they ran.

They looked ferocious and overpowering, exuding an air of arrogance that shocked everyone in the stadium.

Following behind them were ninety-odd students. Not everyone was as chubby and muscular; however, they were still considerably larger than the students from the Fire Spirit Academy. The circumference of their arms was wider than that of the Fire Spirit Academy students’ waists…

They ran and arrived at the central public square. Both commentators gasped, and a commotion stirred amongst the spectating audience.

“What’s going on?”

“My god, are these fatties students from the Dao Mountain Mist Academy?”

“Is that Old Jin’s kid? Dear lord, he didn’t look like that when I saw him six months ago!”

“How are they going to continue with the match… what have the fatties been eating? They are built like warhorses!”

An uproar spread throughout the entire stadium, and even the Governor was taken aback. The giant tree stared unblinkingly at the sight before him. The Federation public, who were watching the live stream, were equally shocked by what they were seeing.

Truthfully… everything would have been fine if there wasn’t a basis for comparison. With the two groups of students placed next to each other, it was clear who was the weaker group and who the stronger group… next to the Dao Mountain Mist Academy students, the students from the Fire Spirit Academy looked like fragile twigs that couldn’t withstand a gentle breeze.

Many from the Fire Spirit Academy even grew alarmed as the Dao Mountain Mist Academy students charged towards them. They instinctively fell back, shouting hastily.

“Stay away!”

“Stop, the fight hasn’t started yet…”

“My god, how did they grow so big? How do we fight them? One of them can fight a hundred of us…”

Chaos momentarily overtook the arena and the surrounding spectators’ area.

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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