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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 1314

Chapter 1314: Chapter 1314, under the mask šŸš™§eeš”€eš›š“ƒšØššŸš‘’š—¹.cš—¼šš–

Translator: 549690339

ā€œSplit?ā€Wang Baoleā€™s eyes narrowed slightly, but he quickly realized that this was not a split. If it was a split, then the two emperor spirits that appeared should not be at the peak of the fourth step like before in terms of aura.

This was more likeā€¦ a summoning.

Once one died, two would be summoned. One could imagine that if the two died as well, then there was a high possibility that four would appear, repeating the process over and over again. In this way, the so-called eternal indestructibility could be achieved.

However, itā€™s a little different from the normal peak of the fourth step. Wang Baole looked at the two emperor spirits that had gathered together. Amidst the trembling and nervousness of the young man beside him, he seemed to be deep in thought.

Wang Baole was no stranger to the fourth step, be it on the immortal dipper continent or in comparison to himself. That was why he quickly noticed the flaws in the emperor spirits before him.

They looked like the fourth step, but in reality, it was as if they had been duplicated. They lacked souls, and they were more like puppets that were tools. Even if they had the power to take the fourth step, the gap between them wasnā€™t small.

Wang Baole wasnā€™t the only one. Even a fourth step from the immortal dipper continent could crush an emperor spirit.

Besidesā€¦ There canā€™t be no end to this summoning. Wang Baole made a judgment in his heart. However, in this strange origin Universe Dao Space World, before he obtained complete information about this place.., wang Baole wasnā€™t prepared to expose himself too much.

He knew very well that he had used the Dream Dao technique to enter this universe. To a certain extent, he had sneaked into this universe. The purpose of doing so was to prevent the emperor from discovering it, and thus, achieve his plan of severing karma with him.

According to Wang Baoleā€™s analysis, the current emperor was most likely in a deep sleep. Therefore, the chances of him succeeding were extremely high.

The foundation of this plan was to walk up to the emperor before he realized what was going on. He would merge with the black wooden spike and deal a fatal blow to the emperor.

It seemed simple, but to actually do it, he would have to adapt to the situation.

However, in the end, it was necessary to hide. At the same time, it was necessary to test the emperor. Therefore, as these thoughts raced through Wang Baoleā€™s mind, the two emperor spirits raised their heads, the instant they charged at Wang Baole, Wang Baole retreated abruptly.

He was so fast that he escaped the area and crashed into the golden net that appeared in the blood fog behind him.

The instant he made contact with the Golden Net, Wang Baole circulated his cultivation with all his might. However, he did not unleash it completely. Instead, he retracted it the moment he made contact with the golden net behind him.

With the help of the instant contact, Wang Baole immediately tested the limits of the Golden Netā€™s endurance. He was confident that once he gathered all his cultivation into one point, he could rely on the eight extreme dao to break it in an instant and escape.

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes when he found out. He wasnā€™t in a hurry to leave. Instead, a cold glint flashed in his eyes as he charged towards the two emperor spirits that were chasing him.

ā€œYou, you, youā€¦ why are you still charging forward? Why arenā€™t you leaving?ā€The young man that Wang Baole had grabbed with his right hand started wailing.

To him, Emperor Spirits were like gods. They were invincible and untouchable. They represented the Heavenly Dao of the entire world. However, the ferocious person who had captured him had once again made his move after making his move.

This made him wail in pain, and fear filled his mind.

Perhaps he felt that his wail was not pleasant to hear, but when Wang Baole rushed out, he immediately kept the youth in his sleeve with his supernatural powers. His speed did not slow down, and he instantly collided with the two emperor spirits.

With a loud boom, the rules of the water channel descended. In the fog in all directions, the two emperor spirits froze. It was as if the blood and Dao Arts in their bodies had reversed, and their bodies paused for a moment.

This was death.

Wang Baole closed in with large strides. His right index finger turned into an afterimage and tapped the forehead of the two emperor spiritsā€™masks. With a loud boom, the masks and their heads collapsed simultaneously.

Wang baole frowned. He had originally planned to tear open the masks to see how they looked. However, the masks seemed to have completely fused with their appearances and couldnā€™t be separated.

ā€œItā€™s fine if you donā€™t want to see it.ā€Wang Baole snorted coldly. With a wave of his hand, the pressure from all directions rose again, crushing the bodies of the two emperor spirits.

In the next instant, the flesh and blood that Wang Baole had crushed were pieced back together. Four Emperor Spirits appeared. They were still wearing their masks and remained silent. Their eyes were empty as they charged at Wang Baole.

Very quickly, the four became eight, the eight became sixteen, and then thirty-two..

Wang Baole was still fighting. His moves were fluid and fluid, and he continued to kill. However, his brows were furrowed tighter and tighter. When the number of emperor spirits that appeared reached sixty-fourā€¦ Wang Baoleā€™s breathing quickened slightly.

Even though there was a huge gap between these emperor spirits and the true fourth step. They didnā€™t have souls, just like Dharmic artifacts. However, such an advantage in numbers was already extremely terrifying in the outside world.

It was enough to destroy any major faction.

It could even be said that in the entire universe, including the Immortal Dipper continent, the number of those who had reached the fourth step was less than a few dozen.

Therefore, even though Wang Baoleā€™s cultivation had reached the fifth step, he still felt a great sense of danger. It was especially soā€¦ as if these emperor spirits couldnā€™t be killed off.

What made Wang Baole feel even more threatened was that when the number of emperor spirits reached sixty-four, he had a vague feeling that there was a wisp of aura that was faintly discernible in an unknown place far away from here, it was as if the eyelids of a sleeping person were twitching slightly, showing signs of awakening.

The Aura gave Wang Baole the feeling that it wasā€¦ the Empyrean Lord he was looking for!

I Canā€™t continue

He had already tested the extent of the splitting of the Emperor Spirits, and it shouldnā€™t be a problem for him to have more than a hundred of them. At the same time, he had also tested the possibility that the splitting of too many emperor spirits would cause the emperor to awaken. Therefore, Wang Baole decisively chose to retreat.

With a loud bang, his body crashed into the large golden net, causing it to collapse instantly. At the same time, dozens of emperor spirits chased after him. The one at the front arrived in front of Wang baole the moment the large net shattered, he was about to make his move.

Wang Baoleā€™s eyes flashed. He suddenly raised his right hand, and a white glow appeared at the tip of his finger. It was like the reflection of a piece of paper, and it landed directly on the forehead of the incoming emperor spirit.

It was the rule of paper.

This was also what Wang Baole had thought of. The method to remove the emperor spirit mask was to turn the mask into paper!

As Wang Baoleā€™s fingertip landed, the rules of paper descended. In an instant, the mask on the Emperor Spiritā€™s face became thinner and turned into white paper. It was as if it could not be worn and fell from its face, it revealedā€¦ a face that Wang Baole saw, and a hundred thousand bolts of lightning struck his mind.

That Faceā€¦ was expressionless, Numb, and extremely pale. However, it was exactly the same as Wang Baoleā€™s face..
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It was exactly the same!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, äø‰åÆøäŗŗé—“
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earthā€™s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed peopleā€™s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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