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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 1067: three feet above!

Chapter 1067: Chapter 1067, three feet above!

I didn’t like this name very much.

But I liked the smile on her face and her crescent-like eyes when she called my name. So in the following years, I accompanied her and her father, and we drifted away from this world.

Or to be more precise, this was only a part of the world. According to the little girl’s words, this was a star, and outside the star was the universe. The name of this universe was called Taihao.

As for why it was called Taihao, the little girl’s reply to me was… she thought that Taihao might be a painter, which was why she came here to look for materials to write a book.

This reply made me feel that there was something wrong with the logic, but it didn’t matter. As long as she was happy, it was fine. Thus, we walked through the mountains and the seas, watching the sunrise and sunset, watching the alternation of the day and night.

She told me about her dream.

“Baby, I want to become an artist!”

I looked at her in surprise. In my memories, she seemed to have said a long time ago that she wanted to write a book..

“I want to draw the entire universe. Everything in here is personally drawn by me, so I want to walk through every corner of this world and remember all the scenery.”

“Baby, what do you think of My Dream? Doesn’t it sound especially beautiful?”The little girl hugged my neck and let out a bell-like laughter. The Sun was slowly rising in the distance. I looked at the Sun.., i looked at the little girl and listened to her words. I suddenly felt that this scene was very beautiful.

I thought that if I could draw all of this, it would indeed be very beautiful.

So I nodded in agreement and continued to accompany her and her father. We traveled to every corner of this planet. We saw war, saw ugliness, and also saw kindness and beauty..

Until one day, she brought me away from this planet. Before we left… I made a small request. I wanted to take a look at my former friends.

So, we returned to the original city, but unfortunately… I didn’t see the old ape or Little Tiger here. Even Ah Hu was gone.

Because the city had already become ruins. Many years ago, this place had been razed to the ground by a war.

I was a little sad. I thought… I might never see Little Tiger again. I might never see the old ape again. Perhaps she saw my sadness. The little girl turned her head to look at her father, that white-haired middle-aged man who had always made me a little scared.

He seemed to think for a moment, and then took us to a nearby forest. I clearly remembered that this forest, which was originally where I was born, had long since disappeared, but at this moment, I didn’t think too much, because in the forest, I saw my friends.

I saw the Little Tiger. It had become the king of all beasts in the forest. It occupied the largest pool and waterfall in the forest. It sat there cross-legged like a human. It was very majestic.

I also saw the fox. What made me relieved was that it wasn’t bald. Instead, its fur was even more colorful. And it seemed to have fulfilled its dream. Although all beasts respected the little tiger as their king, but on each of their bodies, they all have Fox’s hair.

Finally, I saw the old ape, who was in the deepest part of the forest, where there was a volcano, and he sat cross-legged in the crater, surrounded by a large number of blurred figures, as if to give him a birthday.

Did not go to disturb their lives, I far away silently to them after a hello, happy with the little girl, left this star, we went to the stars.

The days that followed were like a journey for me. The little girl, her father, and I walked through the starry sky. We walked into different customs and different races of stars. It could be said that there were all sorts of strange stars.

I left my footprints on each of the stars. I left behind the little girl’s Happy Laughter. I also left behind our memories. It was as if time had become eternal in US. She still looked like a little girl, and her personality was the same, and I was the same.

Sometimes, in the night sky, she would also tell me about her dream. This dream was changing every time..

“I don’t want to be an artist anymore. I want to be a musician!”

“Being a musician isn’t good either. Baby, I’ve decided. I want to be a doctor. I want to save lives and heal the wounded!”

“Doctors are too tired. How about this, Baby? Let’s change it. I want to be a scholar, an all-knowing scholar. What do you think?”

Just like that, in her dream that kept changing, time passed by for an unknown amount of time. We had already walked through almost 99% of this universe. It was as if this universe no longer had any secrets in her eyes, her dream changed again.

“Baby, I’ve really decided this time!”

“I want to pursue my original heart. I still want to become a writer and write a book… The main character of the book is You!”

“Me?”I looked at the little girl in a daze.

“That’s right, it’s you. The name of this universe also needs to be changed. It can’t be called Taihao. This name doesn’t sound good. It should be called… Baby, Baby World, Baby Universe.” The little girl was obviously excited as she wrapped her arms around my neck and let out a happy laugh.

“That’s right. This is Baby’s world, and also my Wang Yiyi’s nursery rhyme!”

I used my tongue to lick her cheek, not paying attention to what she said. In my opinion, perhaps after a few years, her dream would change again.

However, I didn’t expect that in the years that followed, even after we had left the final region of the universe, her dream still didn’t change. Instead, she told me the story that she wanted to create.

The story was very simple. It was what she and I had seen during our travels after we met. Perhaps it was because I was the main character in it, so I listened with great interest.

And every time at this time, her father, the white-haired middle-aged man, would always stand beside her gently, gently stroking the little girl’s head. His eyes and expression were filled with deep love, as if as long as his daughter was happy, he would do anything.

I had thought that such a life would accompany me to the end of my life, but one day… she was lying on my back. As I walked forward through the starry sky, I suddenly noticed her young body, it began to gradually turn cold.

This kind of coldness made me somewhat panic. I had experienced similar coldness from other exotic beasts in my early years. According to the Old Ape’s explanation, I knew that this was called leaving. It was also called the ultimate, and it was even more called death.

Thus, I stopped in terror. Her body seemed to have lost its strength as it slid down.

I turned around in fear and looked at the pale-faced little girl. I used my tongue to lick her cheeks again and again, trying to wake her up, but to no avail. When I anxiously raised my head to look at her father.., the white-haired middle-aged man’s eyes revealed a hint of sadness at this moment.

This sadness made my entire body tremble.

Fortunately… as he raised his hand to gently stroke the little girl’s head, she slowly opened her eyes. She seemed to have just woken up and was still a little sleepy. She started to mumble.

“Baby, don’t make a fuss. I’m a little sleepy. When I wake up, I’ll play with you again. Let Me… sleep for a while. I’ll be fine after a while.”

Her voice became softer and softer until the icy feeling appeared again. Her father gently lifted her up and walked into the distance.

As I watched his back and watched the little girl’s figure merge into his, an indescribable feeling appeared in my heart. It was as if… I had lost something.

“Am I sick… ?”I muttered in a daze. When I lowered my head to look at my chest, my eyes lit up once again. I remembered… one of the reasons why my race was massacred.., it seemed that the blood in my heart could cure illnesses.

“Yes, my blood can cure illnesses!”When I thought of this, I quickly raised my head and looked at the gradually disappearing figure. I tried my best to run, trying to catch up to him..

However, his footsteps weren’t big and his speed wasn’t fast either. However, I couldn’t catch up to him. I could only watch him walk further and further away. This made me anxious. I tried my best to run. I thought of when I was born. I thought of the scenes when my race abandoned me, at that time, I didn’t dare to run at full speed because I was afraid that the sound of running would attract the attention of the hunters.

However, at this time, I was no longer weak. At this time, I was no longer timid. At this time, I was no longer afraid because my painstaking efforts could cure the illness. Because I didn’t want to lose… The laughter that accompanied me for my entire life.

Therefore, my speed became faster and faster. My mind became increasingly blank. There was only one thought in my mind. I wanted to chase after her!

I leaped over the stars one after another. I swept across the galaxies and continued to run towards the distant back. I did not know how long I ran until there were no stars around me. Finally, the universe seemed to have started to become blurry, until an end seemed to appear in front of me!

I didn’t hesitate. Even though I was exhausted and my consciousness was about to separate, even though my body was beginning to dissipate, I still… headed toward the end and crashed into it!

A sound that I didn’t know how to describe reverberated in my ears. My body collapsed and my consciousness was destroyed. However, at a certain moment, I seemed to have penetrated some barriers, i seemed to have entered a strange world. I seemed to have… seen something three feet above my head..

“What did I see…”in the mist of the fated star in the Weiyang Dao Domain, Wang Baole opened his eyes in a daze and muttered.

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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