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A World Worth Protecting Volume – Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001: Chapter 1001, Universal Ascension!

There were countless civilizations in the never-ending DAO domain. To ascend, one needed a long period of time, as well as the overall ascension of both individuals and races. Only then could the level of civilization slowly rise.

But there was also a shortcut!

This shortcut was to devour the stars that had fused with other civilizations. It would enslave all existences within the other civilization, both fundamentally and spiritually, thus raising the level of their own civilization’s stars.

Once the level of the stars was raised, it would be like water overflowing, and a phenomenon known as spirit feed would appear. This phenomenon could allow all the life in the civilization to be born here, in an instant, the essence of life would be raised, and it would affect the changes in cultivation. It could even allow some people’s cultivation to instantly rise, and it could even allow cultivators who had been stuck at a certain realm for a long time to break through.

Because this kind of improvement was too overbearing and didn’t have any negative consequences, it caused countless people to go crazy, but at the same time, it also allowed the war between the civilizations in the Weiyang Dao Domain to continue.

And this… was perhaps what the Weiyang race needed. Otherwise, after they replaced the dark sect, they wouldn’t have added this shortcut to the advancement of space civilizations into the Heavenly Dao.

However, no matter what, under this law, war was eternal, and the survival of the fittest or the survival of the fittest had become the norm. It didn’t matter if they were willing or unwilling.., in this Weiyang Dao domain that couldn’t control fate without advancement, the only thing placed before the solar system was continuous improvement.

And at this moment, with the appearance of the spirit feed and the light from the Sun that had merged with the God’s eye star, the ecology of the entire federation had undergone an earth-shattering change!

Mountain peaks rose from the ground, and spirit mines were formed in an instant. Rivers flowed endlessly, and farms turned into spirit fields. All ordinary things possessed magical powers!

Birds and beasts neighed, and clouds and mist descended on the Spirit Rain. All living things in the world were evolving. The vegetation grew wildly, and the world was nourished. All living things were nourished, and naturally, humans were among them, under Wang Baole’s guidance, the changes were even greater!

The first thing that was changed was the aptitude. This increase in the aptitude of the entire population allowed those who were originally not qualified to cultivate to possess the aptitude from that moment on!

This increased the aptitude of those who were already qualified!

At the same time, their looks seemed to have been adjusted. Under the changes in the level of life, there were some changes. As for their lifespan… it was the same. The citizens of the Federation had experienced an increase in their lifespan since the spirit inception era, however, compared to today, it was insignificant!


With the increase in their life force, the people of the Federation would be able to live to about two hundred years old, even if they didn’t practice cultivation. Not only would their longevity increase, but their health would also increase.

Other than that, there were also magical items that had been improved by the spirit blessing. However, the ones that had improved the most… were still cultivators!

When you went from the spiritual martial realm to conjuring magical items, you didn’t need any special items. You could level up on your own. When you went from Qi condensation to foundation establishment, you still needed special items. However, with the appearance of the spirit feed, the number of items that met the requirements increased, in fact, some of the cultivators who had long since prepared for the great circle of Qi condensation were able to successfully fuse with foundation establishment items and achieve a cultivation base breakthrough!

It could be said that almost all of the cultivators’cultivation bases had been upgraded by the spirit feed. The weaker their cultivation bases were, the greater the increase!

It was the same even for nascent soul realm cultivators. Nearly a hundred nascent soul realm cultivators who had been breaking through in the past few years in the entire federation had their cultivation boosted by the spirit feed. Several of them had even advanced from the perfected nascent Soul Realm, they had advanced directly to the supernatural realm!

It wasn’t just them. Li Xingwen, Zhao Yameng’s mother, and the other high-ranking officials were all in the same boat. The one who had advanced the most was Li Xingwen.

As a cultivator who had risen to prominence during the spirit inception era, as the first core formation realm cultivator, the first nascent soul realm cultivator, and the first spirit ascension realm cultivator other than Wang baole, Li Xingwen’s talent was astonishing. However, he was limited by his level of life, he didn’t have Wang Baole’s fortuitous experiences, which was why he had slowed down.

But now… with the spirit feed, his talent had improved, and his level of life had improved. His cultivation had opened a floodgate at that moment. A loud boom erupted, and he had risen from the Spirit Ascension realm all the way to the Spirit Immortal realm!

Not only him, but also Lin You. Zhao Yameng’s mother’s cultivation base also rose. After stepping into the Spirit Immortal Realm, the Federation had a fourth person who stepped into the Spirit Immortal realm.

This person was big tree!

Very quickly, a fifth person appeared. This fifth person was sect master Xu from the Galactic Dusk sect. He had always kept a low profile, but now, with the explosion of his cultivation base, he had returned to the peak of the Federation!

Compared to them, the younger generation like Lin Tianhao, Zhou Xiaoya, and the others had also improved. However, at most, they had reached the Spirit Ascension realm. There was still a gap between them. However, as long as they were given time, in the current spiritual energy environment of the new federation.., it was only a matter of time before their cultivation base broke through!

At the same time, the vast expanse Daoist palace had also benefited greatly. Although Feng Qiuran and the others from the Daoist Palace had not received the spirit feed, on the altar at the tip of the sword, the eyes of the Daoist Palace’s Celestial Domain Patriarch suddenly opened, all the injured people, including him, were instantly healed twice as fast as the Spirit Qi in the entire Solar System!

The Galactic Patriarch was deeply moved by this. Wang Baole had proven what he had said with his actions. He had confirmed his previous promise. He looked at Wang Baole, who was sitting cross-legged on the star, the Galactic Patriarch lowered his head and looked at the woman in court attire sitting before him.

“I agree to the Saintess’suggestion. Perhaps he is the most suitable person.”

The Masked Little Missy, who had followed Wang Baole all the way until now, smiled when she heard that. She bowed, turned, and left.

At that moment, the gifts from the star continued. As everyone’s level of life and cultivation increased, there were two more people who had improved tremendously!

One of them was Wang Baole, and the other was… Zhao Yameng!

The fusion of the stars came from the Sun’s spirit feed, which was a form of gratitude and blessing. The latter was to all living things in the federation, while the former… was to Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng!

That was why Zhao Yameng had improved tremendously. It was terrifying. Her level of life had increased beyond that of others. At the same time, her cultivation had also reached the perfected Spirit Immortal realm under the gathering of Endless Spirit Qi!

As for Wang Baole… as the leader of all this, especially the divine eye star, which had been fused with the sun, he had an unspoken connection with it. Therefore, the gift he had received was naturally the ultimate. His cultivation had broken through from the initial stage of the planet realm, with the influx of boundless spirit qi, he had broken through to the mid-stage of the planet realm!

Even though he had only advanced by one realm, the amount of spirit qi required to advance to the planet realm was something that cultivators below the planet realm couldn’t imagine.

To be able to increase his cultivation by one realm among the planets was already the best that the solar system could do. Wang Baole wasn’t unsatisfied, because he knew that this fusion… was only the beginning!

The spirit feed lasted for a full month. When it was complete, the sixteen planets in the solar system circled around each other, and the divine eye civilization and the federation were connected.

There were no obstacles or accidents during the docking process. It went smoothly. The divine eye civilization was integrated into the federation, with the Federation taking the lead.

At that point, Wang Baole understood that the matter with the federation had come to an end. With the Dao Palace Starfield, the Federation’s forces, the sky-palm Elder’s protection, and his own background.., overall, the Federation was safe for a certain period of time.

He had also received a message from the blazing flame elder, informing him that the emissary who had come to fetch him to the blazing flame galaxy was about to arrive.

Is it time to leave… Wang Baole muttered to himself. He scanned the current solar system with his divine perception. After sensing its vastness, he took out a paper slip.

The paper slip came from the meteorite land. Before leaving the meteorite land, Wang Baole had requested a favor from the meteorite emperor. He had requested thirty planet slots!

The paper slip was a token to enter the meteorite land. It could be used thirty times. With the approval of the meteorite emperor, there was no time limit. As long as one held the slip in their hands, they could summon the meteorite ship to welcome them, they could go on a separate trial.

This was the foundation he had prepared for the federation. The first person to use the slip of paper was Zhao Yameng.

He gave it to Zhao Yameng and watched as the ship of the fallen star appeared. Zhao Yameng boarded the ship and left. Wang Baole returned to Mars. As he accompanied his parents, he waited silently for the arrival of the emissary that his master had mentioned to welcome him!

“The Raging Flame Galaxy…”as he waited, Wang Baole occasionally raised his head and looked into the starry sky. His eyes gradually lit up with anticipation!

The end of the volume. The next volume: The Dark Sect reappeared!

A World Worth Protecting

A World Worth Protecting

Awwp, San Cun Ren Jian, Three-inch World, 三寸人间
Score 6.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2018 Native Language: Chinese
By the year 3029 CE, Earth’s technology has developed rapidly, borders no longer exist, and Earth has been unified, marking the beginning of the era of the Federation. At that time, a huge sword flew from the heavens, piercing the sun and causing a huge sensation on Earth. Perhaps because the scabbard of the sword was already in tatters, countless shards have broken off from it following the collision with the sun and spread across the universe. Many of these shards have landed on various places across Earth. With the arrival of the bronze sword and its shards, a new unlimited energy source has suddenly appeared on Earth. This energy source has since been named Spirit Qi. Spirit Qi is like air, thick in some places and thin in others. As the Federation and other factions gather more shards, they discover more information on cultivation, pill refinement, Spirit Stone refinement, and other techniques. The words on the shards have an ancient feel to them, making it a trend for people to use ancient language. The appearance of Spirit Qi rapidly makes the original energy sources obsolete and has completely changed people’s lives. Not only has the Spirit Internet been formed, Spirit Qi has also changed the course of Human Civilization, causing the world to enter a civilization of cultivation. This would later come to be known as the Spirit Inception Era.


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not work with dark mode